Saturday, July 17, 2010

Holley and Parker!

Hey everyone!

I hope your weekend is going by well! Today we were under heat advisor- NASTY HOT WEATHER! ICK! Anyways- Holley had Dexter's photos schedule for 5:45 and needless to say, we moved the shoot an hour back (it was insanely hot out!!!)!

Parker, Holley and I went and spent the evening in the park! I had soooo much fun! Parker was so adventurous it was awesome to watch him roam! Things I learned about Parker: he LOVES the movie cars, his favorite color has to be "green" because every time you asked him what color something was that was his response, he was brave and let Holley and I know he would protect us from snakes if we found one, he loves animals, he has the biggest brown eyes, and he is 100% pure handsome!

Thanks Holley and Parker! It was so much fun! Enjoy your sneak peak!


Parker has a pretty mommy!
biggest brown eyes!!!


  1. Molly,
    These pics from sneak peak are awesome...I cannot wait to see the rest.....I want to get pics of me and my boyfriend, so will be contacting you this fall....

    Karla Dexter

  2. I am so glad you like them!!! I would love do that shoot in the fall! Look forward to hearing from you!

